
welcome to my michael jackson blog. please don't say negative things or don't judge. because you don't know mike like most of his fans and family and friends do. i am a biggest number one fan since i was little. i love michael jackson and i'm happy that i'll keep michaeling forever. please, please don't call him jacko on my blog, you know that's not his last name. it is MR. JACKSON if he's the king of pop! i am calling myself the king of pop's princess because i'll be one of the fans who supports him and love him no matter what! so enjoy my new blog, MY MICHAEL JACSON BLOG...

¤ø„¸ Michael is¸„ø¤º°¨
¸ „ø¤º°¨ A ¸„ø¤º°¨
¸„ø¤º°¨ TRUE LEGEND¸„ø¤º°¨
¤ø„¸ I LOVE HIS SONGS!!¸„ø¤º°¨
┏┫ ┏┓ ┏┓ ┣┓ ┃┃
┗┫    ┣┛  ┏-━┻┃Copy and paste
 ┃ ┗━━━┛ ┃   ┣━━ ┃ this if you STILL
 ┗━━━┳━━━┛  ┣━━ ┃ love MJ no matter
 ┏━━▇▇▇━━━━━┻━━━┛ what people say!!!


michael jackson quote "i love you more"

If I could write Michael Jackson a letter from so far away, What would I say?
If possible, would he write back? I know he’s in a better place. But if I believe 
Believe a ghost or a guardian angel, would I witness him signing his name in 
My sketchbook? I don’t believe in spirits or paranormal activities. I just believe 
He’s there in everybody’s hearts. He’s in mine. If you’re a true Michael Jackson fan,
And you’re a religious person, would you write him in heaven? I don’t think he mind 
Getting letters, poems, songs, fanmade YouTube videos, and artworks from his fans all 
Over the planet earth. Maybe when you think of him, and you feel his spirit while playing his music or you have that flashback of him doing the robotic moves. I know he’s there in my thoughts. Imagining him watching you draw and write, through all his pieces you create, you just paint him as he was still living.  The memory of king of pop never dies…paparazzi and whole damn media is really trying so hard to destroy his legacy all because they want greed. I never watched leaving neverland  documentary with Oprah. I don’t have any respect for her anymore because she betrayed him and his family. In 1993 or 94, Michael has welcomed her in open arms and they had a great time. Then years later after his death, 
Oprah did an interview with the two victims of Michael Jackson, I was like wait a minute this man gave you a welcome to neverland and then you turned your back on him. Like really dude? Why can she inter Harvey Weinstein’s victims, you know make a documentary about him, instead of king of pop.cos he’s no longer here to defend himself. I have observed this is white supremacy working. I have observed that melaninated man who passed away and get a documentary of so called bad things while a Caucasian man has no television special of him doing inappropriate things.  This is racism. Racism is controlling our narrative as usual. They keep trying to keep this man in the mirror way down.  I’m sure people don’t see it because they will say it doesn’t have anything to do with race. It does.  White supremacy is working at its best. And a lot of people don’t really understand this is part of the system. White supremacy is trying to get people think melaninated men the wrong way…that’s what it does…they have been doing that for years. They keep people thinking Michael isn’t innocent. White supremacy got people thinking our brothers are not innocent. And Oprah just did their favors.

His niece Brandi Jackson has to stand her ground for her uncle lots of times. She was really tired of the same bull shit. I don’t blame her….she loves her uncle…..And by the way she’s so beautiful.

I would to write Michael Jackson a letter somewhere far away from the earth. I can use my imagination where I could send him an email or mail a handwritten note to him in ancestors realm. He might get a kind words from me, from my heart. For me, my poems, my drawings, or my writings about Michael Jackson are letters. I can feel him reading them or watching me draw him. Right now I’m drawing him as Peter Pan with my original character Kara, she’s a fairy. She visits Michael and he dressed up like Peter Pan. I thought it would be nice cos Michael is actually a real life Peter Pan. He didn’t fly. He moonwalk. He’s a type of Peter Pan who wanted to heal the world…I figured Kara went to visit him in ancestors realm. 

If I could write an actual letter to the gloved one, again what would I say? I would say 
Dear Michael, I miss you, I love you thank you for everything. It’s not really the same without you.  
It feels like the whole world seems quiet without your aura, especially at your beautiful home, neverland . It got so abandoned. The earth misses your presence, the crowds miss how you move them. It’s the way you make us feel. Your kids are still thinking of you.  Don’t worry, your fans keep your legacy spreading like wildfire. You have touched so many…. I just wish I could meet you a long time ago. I just wish i could meet you now.  That was my biggest dream. I always wanted to meet you in person and give you a hug.  I didn’t have the chance. I kind of regret it. I still have memories and listening to your music. I just wanna say you are loved. You are truly loved. You still have moonwalkers in the palm of your glittery glove. I will never forget you…I  asked people do you like Michael Jackson? They were like of course they love Michael Jackson. I guess that’s a silly question to ask. I asked that all the time. I wanted to know if they like you, if they enjoy your music.  I love you Michael. I love you with all my heart. That’s why I’m doing a king of pop theme of art on a regular basis..I hope you don’t mind…usually my routine drawings are Disney fan art and other characters. Then you became my ideas as my routine drawings.
Now I got a king of pop theme, a Disney theme, my original character Kara theme, and so many theme I have.

I also got a blog about you. It’s called king of pop’s princess 
I wanna show my love for you and have the fans to come over. I wanna keep your spirit alive and well. You are part of my life. You are my favorite celebrity. I have a poster of you on my wall along with my art. I got canvas of you and Jackson 5 that I did myself. You aren’t allowed to be forgotten. That’s impossible that the world tried to forget you while your voice roamin around in the air… here on this earth things hasn’t been good because COVID lingers and people are wearing masks now. It’s really heart breaking. People are taking the vaccines and they end up having blood clots. Police brutality is on social media. And got melaninated men wearing dresses. Yes the world has been going backwards. I’m sitting here like really is this what we’re doing now? I’ve been writing poems about racism and white supremacy a lot. I really want to get rid of it. Michael you are correct, they don’t really care about us. They really don’t. They don’t give a damn about melaninated celebrities. After your death they still want benefits. They still capitalize you….

I don’t wanna capitalize your name or anything like that. I don’t worship you. I did idolize you a lot. 
Do you think idolizing is a bad thing? Well you are my favorite superstar so that can’t be a bad thing.
I just wanna keep you alive even when you’re not here anymore..that’s why I followed mj fans, listen to the music, watching you on YouTube. I still got this is it movie.  I write poems and drawings of you.  I have a blog that keeps michaeling always… 

Michael Jackson I love you…l love you so much…. And I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance to meet you in person. At least I got to hear your songs and watch your concerts all over again. I got to see you as a child star with your fuchsia hat..I got to know you in this lifetime. So thank you for sharing your energy with me and the fans all over the world.

💚, Kai 

That’s what I would write and send it to him somewhere in ancestors realm. I wish there was a place  of after death that exist in real life. It would be so easy to email or Mail a letter to mj.  A heaven or ancestors realm is a thought. It’s what you want it to be. For me ancestors realm, all you see is ancestors coming together. Sometimes I see a sky or a place where there’s peace. Like I said before, heaven or ancestors realm is what you thought, is how you picture a place…it’s how you dream…honestly we don’t know where we’re going after death. Do we become ghosts or guidance? Or do we become nothin? You know a long time ago after Michael’s passing, I used to think he’s in heaven now. But since I learned about the real truth of Christianity, I was thinkin he’s in ancestors realm. Though I never really was a Christian. I just always love to think he’s in heaven cos that’s where all the good souls go.  

With all this being said, if I write a letter to Mike, well I wish he could write me back.  

❤️❤️❤️💚💚💚© Kai C. Jul,27,21 Djehuti 2